
How will I go on?

Grieving Parents

When your child dies, nothing compares to the pain, fear and sorrow you are living in. Questions like ‘Why?’ ‘Is Heaven Real?’ ‘Is God even Good?’ feel overwhelming and painful as you begin the long journey of grief.

Why did God let my child die?

Is my child in Heaven?

How can I help?

Families and Friends

If you know someone who has lost an infant or young child, you probably want to help, but don’t know how. We offer some thoughts and helpful tips on how to care for your loved one in their sorrow.

What Can I Do?

What Can I Say?

How can I lead?

Leaders and Pastors

If someone in your church has lost a child, you may not have prior experience in shepherding the family through the death of an infant or young child. There are many things to consider in the early hours and through the years of shepherding the brokenhearted. Here’s a place to start.

Pastoring those in Mourning

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Recommended Books

Books written on grieving for a child are often able to help parents find words for their experiences, process through specific aspects of their loss, better understand the role of faith in their grief and feel more understood.

Hope for the Mourning recommends the following books for grieving parents as well as their families, pastors and care-givers. Parents who receive a care package from Hope for the Mourning receive some of the titles listed below, we also use some titles in our grief care groups.

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Recommended Organizations

Finding people who understand your heartbreak, who really get it, is an important part of finding hope after the death of your child. In addition to connecting with Hope for the Mourning, we recommend the following organizations based on your location and need